Introducing Stories to LinkedIn: Foundational research

March-April 2019


Foundational research: LinkedIn users and Instagram Stories

INSTAGRAM STORIES What do LinkedIn users with Instagram accounts think about Stories?

  • Which LinkedIn users create Stories and/or watch Stories?

    • If they create Stories, which content do they consider appropriate for Instagram Stories?

    • If they watch Stories, which Stories are they interested in?

  • What do they value about Instagram Stories, if anything?

  • What do they dislike about Instagram Stories, if anything?

INSTAGRAM STORIES: What do LinkedIn users who do not know about Instagram Stories think about the Stories concept?

  • When would they create or watch Stories, if at all?

Foundational research: LinkedIn users and the concept of LinkedIn Stories

LINKEDIN STORIES: What do LinkedIn users with Instagram accounts think about introducing Stories to LinkedIn?

  • What will different users from distinct user segments think about Stories on LinkedIn?

  • Will these users embrace Stories on LinkedIn or will they feel alienated by seeing Stories on LinkedIN?

  • How will they use Stories on LinkedIn?

    • Which content are they interested in creating?

    • How do they think will this content differ from Instagram Stories? Why?

    • Which use cases do they see for Stories on LinkedIn?

  • How useful, if at all, will LinkedIn Stories be for these LinkedIn users?

LINKEDIN STORIES: What do LinkedIn users who are not familiar with Instagram Stories think about introducing Stories to LinkedIn?

  • What will different users from distinct user segments think about Stories on LinkedIn?

  • Will these users embrace Stories on LinkedIn or will they feel alienated by seeing Stories on LinkedIn? Why?

  • Do they have an idea of how they would use Stories on LinkedIn, if at all?

  • Which use cases do they see for Stories on LinkedIn?

  • How useful, if at all, do these users think LinkedIn Stories might be for them??

Study Method

  • Semi-structured, in-depth, in person interviews

    • 45 min long 1:1 moderated interviews with 20 LinkedIn users

    • Location: Houston, TX

Target Audience / Participant Criteria

  • 4 cohorts based on LinkedIn user profiles

    • 5 users per cohort, 20 users in total

  • About half of users create and watch Instagram Stories

  • A subset of users does not have an Instagram account and does not know much, if anything, about Stories

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  • Analyzed the interview data:

    • Transcribed all interviews

    • Organized all transcribed data by category

    • Read and re-read the data (and re-read again)

    • Formulated findings


  • Synthesized the data:

    • Led an Affinity Diagramming workshop with the entire product team

    • Coded the data

    • Summarized interview data by category

    • Synthesized findings into insights

    • Facilitated an ‘Insights to Recommendations’ workshop with product managers and product designers

    • Built a Powerpoint presentation based on insights & recommendations and presented it to the entire design team in April 2019

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Based on the gained research insights, the product team continued iterating on the LinkedIn Stories concept and design.

Stories were launched in the US in the summer of 2020 about a year after I finished the foundational research and the concept testing.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.