LinkedIn Stories: Concept and usability testing

May-July 2019

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Concept testing LinkedIn Stories with LinkedIn users

What do LinkedIn with Instagram accounts think about the LinkedIn Stories concept?

  • How do they react to the differences between Instagram and LinkedIn Stories?

  • How quickly do they grasp the LinkedIn Stories concept?

  • What do they think about the LinkedIn Stories concept?

    • What, if anything, do they like?

    • What, if anything, do they dislike?

    • What, if anything, do they find confusing?

    • What, if anything, do they not understand or misunderstand?

    • What, if anything, would they change?

  • Once they understand the LinkedIn Stories concept, what content, if any, do they think of as meaningful and appropriate for Stories?

What do LinkedIn users who do not create Stories on other platforms think about the LinkedIn Stories concept?

  • How quickly do they grasp the LinkedIn Stories concept?

  • Which difficulties do they have understanding the concept? Why?

  • What do they think about the LinkedIn Stories concept?

    • What, if anything, do they like?

    • What, if anything, do they dislike?

    • What, if anything, do they find confusing?

    • What, if anything, do they not understand or misunderstand?

    • What, if anything, would they change?

  • Once they understand the LinkedIn Stories concept, what content, if any, do they think of as meaningful and appropriate for Stories?

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Usability testing of a LinkedIn Stories prototype

LinkedIn users who are familiar with creating Stories on Instagram

  • Which problems, if any, do they have creating a Story?

  • Which problems do they encounter? Why?

  • What do they think about the Story creation flow when compared to Stories on Instagram?

LinkedIn users who are not familiar with creating Stories on Instagram

  • How difficult is it for such users to create their first Story?

  • Which problems do they encounter? Why?

  • What do they think about the Story creation flow?

  • How much time do they need to create a Story?

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Study Method

  • Semi-structured, in-depth, in person concept and usability test

    • 60 min long 1:1 moderated interviews with 20 LinkedIn users

    • Tools: Sketch tap-through prototype on mobile phone

    • Location: Houston, TX

Target Audience / Participant Criteria

  • 4 cohorts based on LinkedIn user profiles

    • 5 users per cohort, 20 users in total

  • About half of users create and watch Instagram Stories

  • A subset of users does not have an Instagram account and does not know much, if anything, about Stories

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Concept and usability test

I analyzed and synthesized the concept and usability test findings into insights and recommendations that were then discussed and refined with product designers, product managers and engineers. Specific findings have to remain confidential and cannot be discussed.

I created a Powerpoint presentation based on insights and presented it to the entire design team in July 2019.

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Based on my research insights, the concept as well as the Story creation flow was modified in various regards.

Stories were launched in the US in the summer of 2020 about a year after I finished the concept and usability testing.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.